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        Beijing TX-Freight International Forwarding Co.Ltd. is an international logistical company which is specializing in cargo transportation both by air and sea between China and worldwide. We have a strong IT infrastructure system and a developed international partnership network that allows us to deliver optimal services for air and sea transportation, custom declaration and logistical management. Over the years, we have proudly developed a solid reputation and strong partnership with many famous enterprises.


        By using W.S. as your carrier or “trouble shooter” in China or anywhere your business touched upon you will gain a lot of advantages. The wonderful se Our clients` interests are our main priority . W.S. is willing to be your honest partner and this strategic alliance will prove to be double-win prospect. Let`s start the experience together. rvice of our agent in all the main ports will offer you a competitive plant for your business and market enlarging. W.S. is able to provide specialized service during entire transportation at home and abroad.

        Honesty and responsibility is our W.S.‘ freight life.


        Aimed at remaining at the leading edge and seizing the opportunities as they arise, our company strive to grow the company by building on our peerless heritage of making full use of the workforce's potential and keeping abreast of the latest developments of the industry.
    Beijing TX-Freight International Forwarding Co.Ltd. 版权所有 Copyright@2015 京ICP备123456789号
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